Riko Ophorst
Rendering & Software Engineer
4+ years professional experience (incl. 1 internship) Started working professionally in Sep 2018, which includes a 6-month graduation internship at OTOY. Does not include internships from before that date.
Vulkan, Metal, D3D11/12, CUDA, CMake, RTX, Windows, macOS, Linux
Raytracing & pathtracing
Realtime 3D rendering
R&D in Emerging Technologies
Cross-platform & porting
GPU & CPU optimizations
2 shipped products
4 shipped games
5 game jams
Creative Media & Game Technologies (BSc, July 2019)
At Breda University in the Netherlands
Dwarves & Goblins
  • 72 hr Game-jam project
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • Pixi.js
  • Ludum Dare
What is Dwarves & Goblins?
Dwarves & Goblins is an endless beat-em-up type of game where you, a dwarf, battle goblins who are attacking your miners.
  • Kill the goblins by sending tremors down the ground using your different abilities.
  • Every move has it's own characteristics and each has very different uses.
  • Since you are sending tremors down the ground to kill the goblins, you are damaging the earth.
  • If the earth gets too damaged, you lose. If all your miners are dead, you lose.
  • Try to get as far as possible.
Technical specifications
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • WebGL
  • Built using nothing but pixi.js
  • Built in 72 hours in April 2014
  • 2 programmers, 1 artist
Play the game
View the source code on GitHub
My contribution to Dwarves & Goblins
Together with Daniel Konings I was responsible for the programming of this game. Some of my contributions to the game are:
  • Laid down the initial framework using pixi.js
  • AI behind the miners and goblins
  • Abilities the user has at its disposal
  • The powerup system
  • The HUD / UI for the game